Merry Christmas to the Woman I Love
By R. Smith
Today is a special day for everyone to see
as we celebrate life, giving, and sharing
And when I thought of what I could give to you
to show you how much my heart is caring
I searched far and wide for the perfect gift
one that would show you how much I care
It did not matter where I looked for this gift
I was not able to find one that I could share
At first I looked in stores of all kinds
and I looked at gems and rings so fine
But these gifts did not seem to show what I felt
how much I wanted you to be all mine
I looked on the Internet for things as well
looking for things that would only show you
That I think of you all day and night my love
and that the feelings in my heart are true
Once again my search for the gift did fail
as there was nothing there that I could find
That would show you how much I wanted to give
to how you how much I wanted you to be mine
Then I look in the one place that is so near
in my heart that you hold for me
It is here that I found the gift for my love
Merry Christmas, I Love You, from Randy

Christmas Time
Last Updated:  September 1, 2000