Guardian of My Soul
by Randy Smith
You are the one woman who has taken me for more
then any other person who came to be before
For you mean more to me then I can almost describe
and I have sent you many things as I have always tried
Now that we are with each other face to face
I know that you are the one person who belong with me in space
For there has developed a love between us no one can deny
and it continues to grow as time passes in the sky
In the past we kept our love a secret from many I know
but soon we can tell others for I want everyone to know
For I know I want you to always be mine
from the day forward and until the end of time
I will continue to give you little gifts that I have
but none will be as important as the ones that you have
For I have given you some gifts that no one can take away
and I will never give then to another, on any other day
Honey, you mean the world to me, and those gifts are from only me
for they are something that only I can give and you can receive
You are now and forever the keeper of my heart
and you are the guardian of my soul for we shall never part.

Last Updated :  August 28, 2000