Incomplete Without You
by Randy Smith
I have too many times done things that were wrong
and you were patient with me anyway
And the last thing I did hurt more then before
and you told me about this day
For if I had kept my head about myself
we would have been together on this night
But I was foolish and let my emotions lead the way
for that I must pay the price
You have showed me that you love me in many different ways
and I have show you with special things too
But tonight, without you on a very special day
my heart has been broken in two
I have learned from my mistakes in the past
for you are most special to me
And I will not repeat these things that I have done
as I finally change things you will see
Although me many errors and the things I have done wrong
today's date is still special to my heart
And from this date forward I know you will see
that I will never again keep us apart
I do not know what more that I can say
but please, please come back to me
For without you I am an incomplete man
and without you I cannot be.

Last Date
Last Updated:  September 2, 2000