Let Love Decide
by Randy Smith
As I tried to see what is in my heart
My days are caused to be ups and downs
I know that what was, will never be again
But that does not help what I have found
I have found that a love can be deep and sincere
And that the pain when it has gone away
Will never be replaced, no matter what I do
And yet there is so much more to say
I know what is in this heart of mine
For when I looked at all around
For a special woman touched me deep inside
And with her was where I could be found
Then something occurred I know not what
That made her want to draw from me
She said it was her, that caused this to past
But still I find it hard to believe
For if I had being doing what I should have done
And been the friend that she had sought
She would not have drawn away that night
And I would not being feeling the loss
Now I have realized, that this story must end
And that she will never be with me again
But, I think it is a lose for both of use
Because love was not allowed in the end
Sometimes we look in our hearts
What we want for those in our lives
Yet other times, we allow others to say
What they think is best for inside
The moral of all that I have said up above
And that you need to look deep inside
And although there may be doubts along the way
Love is what you should let decide
For us there was turmoil along the way
and some hardships that were overcome
and love did finally lead the way
and for us, the best is yet to come.

Every Breath I Take
Last Updated:  August 16, 2000