My Thoughts on a Penny
by Randy Smith
Many people ask a simple question
when someone is looking into space
A "Penny for you thoughts"
as they look look upon their face
A question that can be easy to answer
if the person asking is dear
Other times it is hard to tell them
what we are thinking, that is clear
Some people are shy when you ask them
yet others can talk quite a lot
I can be like all of the others
depends on what's in my thoughts
I remember one day when you told me
of a friend that asked you just this
And how you did not want to answer
because I am not there like the rest
I know sometimes it is important
to keep some secrets these days
Someday you will be able to answer
with a bright smile that covers you face
Until then you will have your secret
from those who's trust and those you adore
But I will keeping thinking about you
for you mean all to me and more
So I am sending this gift to show you
how I feel every day, its true
For imprinted on this penny are my feelings
saying simple, "I Love You"
One Moment in Time
Last Updated: August 17, 2000