My Home for Poetry, Music, and Romance
In the next few months, I will be making updates to these pages.  It has been over a year, since I made significant updates to this website.  For me, I have been blessed, with finding, love, and romance here on the Internet.  As I update this website, I will be adding many new poems, including the ones that are written to the love of my life, and my new wife.
As you surf the Internet, you will find many things that may interest you.  For me, I spend a lot of time chatting and getting to know people on the net, and it is during these times,  that I discovered that the Internet is quite an interesting place.
I have been surfing for over four years now, and I have visited many types of channels, and seen many a thing.  And yes, and there are lots of things to do and see out there other then the pictures of men and women and various stages of undress.
However, that is not the best you can find on the Internet, or, the fun you can find there either.  As an example, the following link is to what I feel is one of the best sound sites available.  It also provides links to many other very good sites.
Sound America
In addition to the .wav sounds you find at the previous site, I have also found a great site for midi sounds.  I am updating many of the songs that are on my website.  Most of the new songs come from the following location.
Midi Database
And probably one of the great things about the Internet, are the greeting card sites.  I have several sites that I consider among my favorites.  The following links are some of the better ones, although there are literally hundreds of them out there.
Wildflower Greetings
And the following link will provide you with links to hundreds of more sites that have greeting cards at them.  All of the greeting card sites that I have specified are free.
Birdies NestFull of E-Cards
Of course, since I met my wife Mary, here on the internet, she to would have a website.  The following link, is to her website.
My Dear Wife's Page
Your comments and questions concerning this website, or anything about how an internet romance, has succeeded are most welcome.
For those of you, that may have an interest in poetry.  I also consider myself an amateur poet.  Follow the link below for some of the various poems that I have written.  Also, of course, since I am using the works of others, to help me in building this site, and also, to allow my reader's to comment, the link to the rest of the site as well as advertising is contained below.
To make the surfing of my site easier, I am adding the internal links that are contained inside, to provide for easier movements.
My First Collection of Poems
My Poems of Love
My Second Collection
To and For Mari
If you like what you have seen at this site, please send comments.  Or you may sign my guest book.
Guestbook by GuestWorld
Please Note:  The Poetry collected at this website has been Copyrighted.  The Registration Number is TXu 840-152

Keeper of the Stars
Last Updated:  August 28, 2000