of an Amateur Poet
Since I first
started surfing the Internet, I began to write poetry. Many of the
poem I wrote are love poems, however, I have written a few others. |
is a link to poems of love I have written in the past.
In addition to the collection of
poems in the link above, I have also written several other poems.
Each of the following poems was inspired by someone, or some event.
The poems are listed in the order written. Wedding Bells was first,
for some dear friends, then Everyone is Special for a troubled soul I found
on the Internet. Each poem, has a story behind it. |
Following are those poems that
hurt me most to write. Once again, these poems are listed in the order
written. |
Funny thing about people who write.
Once you get them started, they never stop. The following link will
be for the next collection poetry that I will be posting to the net.
Visit my site on occasion and watch for these new additions to my collection. |
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Last Updated: August 28, 2000