For This I am Sorry
by Randy Smith
Sometimes things are said, that were not meant to be said
and other times things are done, that were not meant to be done
I have done both, and for this I truly regret
For I am just a man, who sometimes can forget
Yet I did such things to some new friends that I did find
even though these things were not what was on my mind
And since I consider my self to be a friendly soul to everyone
I do not know how to make it up for the things I did or say
So to those of you who I met on this fateful day
I apologize for anything that I may have done or things I did say
Until I can straighten out the cause behind the hurt I caused
I shall disappear from your screen so no more will I befall
I will return someday, and hope I can repair
all of the harm that I did when I was not aware
Forgive me my friends for what I may have done
I never meant to hurt you with my actions or my tongue.
This poem was added on Jan 8, 1998.  A poem to several that I may have upset on this day.  My apologies for anything I may have said or may have done.  I find that I best express myself these days in my poems and this poem is for you.

I'm Sorry
Last Updated:  August 16, 2000